Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Working as a True “Worship Team”

I have to admit I have always shrugged a bit at the term “worship team” which has grown in use so much in the church. I’ve been a part of groups under that label for years. It’s not that there’s anything essentially wrong with it, I just see it as unnecessary and a bit inaccurate. Another example of how the church tends to rename normal things and then confuse the rest of the world In most cases, isn’t the worship team simply, the “band” or “ensemble?” What’s wrong with just calling it that then? More importantly, it’s just not inclusive enough. defines “team” as a number of persons associated in some joint action. So in the sense of communal worship, isn’t it more accurate to think of the entire assembly as the “worship team?” We’re all in it together, right?

I’m increasingly impressed with how we are all unique and essential parts of God’s kingdom. Each person has a unique role. This means ministry, church and all of life, really, are not done alone, but as a team. As a community of believers there will be leaders and individual contributors in all levels and capacities. Men, women, all ages, gifts, styles, preferences, strengths, weaknesses, with all our experiences good and bad. Look at how Jesus did it. If anyone could have done it alone it was Him. Instead, He pulled together a diverse team that wouldn’t have ever come together without Him and together they set a course to change the world. God has orchestrated life such that we need each other in the same way the Godhead itself is a “community” of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.