Monday, March 17, 2008

Worship at 30,000 Feet

Everyone should fly!

We should all have the chance to see our terrestrial home from from a jet plane thousands of feet above the highest points on earth. You can’t help but gain perspective. That’s where I sit as I write this. (The downside is that I’m crammed into an economy-class seat ;) I’ve loved flying all my life. I love the rush of take-off. Passing literally over and through various kinds of weather — I even love the occasional turbulence. It’s an exciting reminder of where you are, and how small you are! I always try to get a window seat. Seeing the world from this vantage point is incomparable. I’m amazed at the people who seem to never even look out the window!

I’ve been blessed to get to fly a fair amount — a few times a year. Despite the fact the whole process is very familiar now and can be arduous at times, the joy of flying has never faded. Regardless of the view, looking out the window never fails to inspire worship in my heart. Whether it’s the grander of a snow-packed mountain range, vast expanses of fruitful plain, wilderness so thick with foliage all you see is a carpet of textured green, a barren desert seemingly devoid of life, a seemingly endless sea, or even nothing but formations of clouds — it all amazes me. I am almost always reminded of Scripture’s declaration that God is clearly evident from what has been made so that man is without excuse (Romans 1:20.) Indeed! With crystal clear skies and Chris Tomlin’s “Indescribable” playing on my iPod the view of the Colorado Rocky Mountains today is truly moving.

Even more amazing? That the creation we see today is but a mere reflection of what lies before us in Heaven. This all proclaims His glory. But it is not His glory. It cannot compare to the beauty of His face, His actual presence. Even the Earth we see today is scared by our fall from grace. It is no longer Eden. But the good news is that He will make all things new (Revelation 21:5!) All this will be restored, and us with it! Can you imagine the beauty of our flight into Heaven? The breathtaking moment when we step out into the beauty of our eternal home? When you fly to a destination far from home, ever notice how even the air feels and smells different when you get off the plane? Sometimes that’s a pleasant experience, sometimes it’s not. But imagine the feel and the scent of the totally renewed, revived and healed land where we’ll make our eternal home! Then the faces of those who will greet us as we step into the terminal of Heaven? Surrounded by the unfettered presence of the Holy Spirit in the company of saints. And then there’s Jesus and the Father himself. The beauty of that moment. The unspeakable gratitude we’ll feel knowing it is only by His grace that we can enter, and stay, forever! Perfection at last. Something that has been foreign to man since the fall. But we will know it again. He’s preparing it for us now (John 14:2.)

Everyone should fly! And be sure to look out the window!